08/16 JFK: UFO witnessed by several pilots

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So I was about twenty in line for takeoff on 22R tonight at JFK's airport on taxiway "Dixie" when a pilot reported to the tower a ultralight/paraglider/"jetpack" or other UFO flew literally over the numbers of 22L and 22R hovered over the cargo ramp, appeared to have dropped something and then climbed to about <1000' and flew 030hdg.

It was an Unidentified Flying Object because no pilot knew what it was. A jetpack. A powered paraglider. A powered hang glider. Homebuilt gyroplane. But it was green and we all saw it. And it wasn't the Green Goblin from Spiderman.

Five police department helicopters were looking for him. But not one security or police car went to the area where he may have dropped a "package".

I saw the thing come down at the cargo ramp but was too far back in line to identify it. Those guys that were 1-5 holding short of 22R, I want to hear from you.

There was a wide-body AA flight that went around immediately before this encounter on 22L. Possibly they went around to avoid the "aircraft".

I am not kidding...Skeptical? Talk to the controllers and the 20 pilots that saw it. Ask for the tapes. It happened at 2000 as we were OFF @ 2016
Suuuuure you did.
Didn't it leave chemtrails?
This outta be good, and if its not in the news then its a big conspiricy...LMAO
Bronx Hoax
Approaching LGA one night, we saw five lights in a star or pentagon formation moving along to the north. Somebody asked Approach Control about it, and the controller responded: "Yeah, we know. It's some general aviation jokers who rigged up lights on their planes and are trying to see how many phone calls they can generate. It's the second time they've done it."
Quote: Suuuuure you did.

Now that's just plain ole wrong; especially what you did to the cat. Look at the expression on their face.

Quote: So I was about twenty in line for takeoff on 22R tonight at JFK's airport on taxiway "Dixie" when a pilot reported to the tower a ultralight/paraglider/"jetpack" or other UFO flew literally over the numbers of 22L and 22R hovered over the cargo ramp, appeared to have dropped something and then climbed to about <1000' and flew 030hdg.

It was an Unidentified Flying Object because no pilot knew what it was. A jetpack. A powered paraglider. A powered hang glider. Homebuilt gyroplane. But it was green and we all saw it. And it wasn't the Green Goblin from Spiderman.

Five police department helicopters were looking for him. But not one security or police car went to the area where he may have dropped a "package".

I saw the thing come down at the cargo ramp but was too far back in line to identify it. Those guys that were 1-5 holding short of 22R, I want to hear from you.

There was a wide-body AA flight that went around immediately before this encounter on 22L. Possibly they went around to avoid the "aircraft".

I am not kidding...Skeptical? Talk to the controllers and the 20 pilots that saw it. Ask for the tapes. It happened at 2000 as we were OFF @ 2016

Was that the reason for only having one runway in use? Thanks to that idiot we had to divert to bdl this evening! I guess they never found that moron.....
I too would like to know what entered JFK airspace and then disappeared. I was monitoring JFK tower and heard the whole adventure as it unfolded. At one point the tower controller told an aircraft that they guy had actually touched down on the field momentarily and then took off. He must have had some pretty good stealth technology on board to elude all those choppers that were searching for him.
*** Anyone else see this **AIRCRAFT** or was your flight affected by the runway closure?
Somebody recorded the ATC tapes over on liveatc.net if you guys are interested.
Quote: Somebody recorded the ATC tapes over on liveatc.net if you guys are interested.
Can you link to that?
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