The lonely birthday thread...

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Hey Guys...

I'm sitting here on my 22nd birthday, looking for something to do. I know this is a thread just waiting to be shut down by the mod's, but I really don't care.

This is a drunk vent thread.

I completely circumvented college live to come to a (supposedly) good regional.

The story is, go to college. Get Laid. Have fun. Then, after that is through, go to an airline.

Any sort of social life is better than any job you can ever achive.

This is just a lonely birthday rant.

Any sort of life is beter than beign an "airline pilot."
Good rant sir.

You're only 22, (i'm only 24) We have time for another professional life.

the lonely drunk birthdays on the road dont get better, unless you're with a really cool captain.
Quote: Good rant sir.

You're only 22, (i'm only 24) We have time for another professional life.

the lonely drunk birthdays on the road dont get better, unless you're with a really cool captain.
I wish I could say I was on an overnight...

If that we the case, this thread would be about birthdays spent away from home... But, I'm at home, and still alone.... At least when I'm at a hotel, I get a free roll of toilet paper and a box of brand name tissues.

Goodnight gentlemen... enjoy your trolling experience!
Quote: I wish I could say I was on an overnight...

If that we the case, this thread would be about birthdays spent away from home... But, I'm at home, and still alone.... At least when I'm at a hotel, I get a free roll of toilet paper and a box of brand name tissues.

Goodnight gentlemen... enjoy your trolling experience!
Dont forget about those free AA batteries out of the remote...good for the ANR headset.

Yes, I take batteries....
The irony of stealing $1.50 worth of batteries to power a $750 headset in the "world's quietest jet." Reminds me of a story of a 727 Crew:

First Officer: It's windy, isn't it?
Second Officer: No, it's Thursday
Captain: Your thirsty? I'm thirsty too, I'm buying!
Quote: The irony of stealing $1.50 worth of batteries to power a $750 headset in the "world's quietest jet." Reminds me of a story of a 727 Crew:

First Officer: It's windy, isn't it?
Second Officer: No, it's Thursday
Captain: Your thirsty? I'm thirsty too, I'm buying!
I've never heard that before. That just freakin' made my night. Thank you sir!
Yeah i've had a hard time makin friends with this profession too. moving across the country, all my college friends are spread out or in the college town. makes hanging out with them and working at a publix a pretty attractive option.

Especially since I'd have a more glamorous job. and more job security. and carrying an old ladies groceries would give me more job satisfaction. but besides all that i guess its not bad

What? Is this thead dead already?
Quote: Dont forget about those free AA batteries out of the remote...good for the ANR headset.

Yes, I take batteries....
Thats not as bad as the captain that switches his dead light bulbs for new ones at the hotel
Quote: Hey Guys...

I'm sitting here on my 22nd birthday, looking for something to do. I know this is a thread just waiting to be shut down by the mod's, but I really don't care.

This is a drunk vent thread.

I completely circumvented college live to come to a (supposedly) good regional.

The story is, go to college. Get Laid. Have fun. Then, after that is through, go to an airline.

Any sort of social life is better than any job you can ever achive.

This is just a lonely birthday rant.

Any sort of life is beter than beign an "airline pilot."
It gets better. Spent a lot of lonely birthdays on the road, but it doesn't last forever. The early twenties are tough, it takes a while to get your momentum. Just don't let it get you down man.
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