FIT Aviation

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Any current or previous students/Instructors, Hows FIT's aviation program?
I'll leave the FIT question for others to answer. But be sure to check out Jacksonville University - they have an aviation program, too. Jacksonville U. is second only to Embry-Riddle in aviation degrees awarded in the state of Florida. Website - Jacksonville University :: Home.
Don't get an aviation degree.
I am an FIT alumni, graduated in 2005, instructed there for two years in school and a year after....LOVED IT!!!! PM me with any questions. It is truly a great school!
I'm a '98 grad and would highly recommend it. There have been some huge changes since I left but all improvements.

The whole "get an aviation degree or not" argument is a completely different discussion.
I am a current student and I highly recommend it as well. PM me if you have any specific questions that I can help you with.

They are going to get Remos light sport aircraft in the coming years in order to replace their fleet of pipers.

I would rather fly a Diamond than in a light sport, but that is just me.
Any items in particurlar that you are curious about? As a former student '07 and instructor I am willing to provide some insight, although it has been a while since I have been there and I know there has been some shifts in leadership at both the university and at the flight line.
I am currently an instructor at FIT Aviation, as well as a senior in the Aviation Management program at Florida Tech. Though I may be slightly biased, I would strongly recommend Florida Tech. While we have recently acquired two remos GX light sport aircraft, they are not there to replace our piper fleet. We use the remos primarily on the retail side/Part 61 (FIT Aviation is a full service FBO with aircraft rental open to the public), and for students who wish to earn their light sport license (bet you could have guessed that). On top of the remos, we have a full compliment of Avidyne Entegra equiped Warrior III's and Seminoles. All in all its a great institution that is seriously on the rise. Any other questions let me know.
I was an '07 grad and I enjoyed my time there.
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