What plane does the Taliban fear?

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The answer is at about the 17:20 minute mark..
"A transport plane,converted into a gunship..."
Know your enemies ways.
Taliban Primp, Sing, Snipe U.S. Troops In Rare Video | Danger Room | Wired.com
I was going to say, the AC-130!
Wouldn't it be anything firing a weapon at them?
Good to know someone can still intimidate them. I swear the last show of force I did they gave me the finger.
I'm sure they did, they know the difference between a weapons employment pass and a show of force.
They, like everyone else, fear the A-10. They're afraid that if the A-10 moves into the neighborhood, property values will drop like a stone.

Quote: They, like everyone else, fear the A-10. They're afraid that if the A-10 moves into the neighborhood, property values will drop like a stone.

Hmmm...I didn't hear them mention the A-10....they DID, however, mention the transport plane that was turned into a gunship. Just the facts, JJ.
Quote: Good to know someone can still intimidate them. I swear the last show of force I did they gave me the finger.
After 8 years, I'm guessing they know the difference between a SOF and an actual weapon drop.

That might have worked well in the first year against people who didn't really know how US aircraft employed ordnance, but by now they've seen the puppet show and are aware.
They fear the drones...Nothing else...
Quote: They fear the drones...Nothing else...
I guess you didn't watch the video either.
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