Any rumblings of increasing retirement age??

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I don't normally like to post rumors but just thought I'd put it out to see if anyone else may have heard the same thing.

Apparently an FAA type jumpseater told a crew that congress is concerned about the looming so-called pilot shortage and there are talks ongoing about raising the age again or doing away with it altogether.I would like to think that there would be such an outcry against this move that it would be DOA, but I would've hoped that for 65...

Anyone else hear similar rumblings?
HAHA, pilot shortage....That is up there with Santa Clause, Easter Bunny and Trickle down economics.
There are a group of SWA pilots organized to lobby for Age 70. Have not seen an update on their activities in a while.

There are rumblings every time there is an FAA re authorization bill in Congress. One was just passed without age 70.

The only pilot shortage is in places like China where few want to relocate and even fewer want to work under a pay structure a Indian Mogul considers adequate.
Quote: There are a group of SWA pilots organized to lobby for Age 70. Have not seen an update on their activities in a while.
Nice..... My father turned 65 this year and has recently retired. A couple of years ago I started noticing his difficulty with negotiating parking situations and his inability to accurately judge distances and angles. Of course, being my father I have enough respect for him not to expose his shortcomings in these situations. However, when it comes to aviation and the safety of flight you could be sure I'd sound off if he told me he wanted to fly an airliner for another 5 years, or more.

Seriously gentlemen, enough is enough. The Government and Airlines lack of planning should not constitute a compromise of safety with 65+ year old human beings piloting commercial aircraft. We need to make all of our voices heard if this comes to fruition. This is simply unacceptable.
Here's a post I made on the topic. I'll try to get an update on their progress. Pf course by now, they may have forgotten why these papers keep coming in the mail, or they've moved to Del Boca Vista.

Actually, it appears a lead Plaintiff and witness in the case passed away and the "Senior Pilots Coalition" has faded ... .
Quote: There are a group of SWA pilots organized to lobby for Age 70. Have not seen an update on their activities in a while.

There are rumblings every time there is an FAA re authorization bill in Congress. One was just passed without age 70.

The only pilot shortage is in places like China where few want to relocate and even fewer want to work under a pay structure a Indian Mogul considers adequate.
News to me, if this is coming from us I will let my reps know to squash it.
They will do whatever ICAO tells them to do. Age 65 then first class medicals for FOs etc...
Quote: News to me, if this is coming from us I will let my reps know to squash it.
It is your retired guys, not active pilots. They basically wanted to come back to the top of your seniority list, as their friends did at FedEx and other places where they could bid into the FE seat to ride out the rule change.

I am sure current SWA pilot leadership feels the same about this idea as the rest of us.
Quote: Actually, it appears a lead Plaintiff and witness in the case passed away and the "Senior Pilots Coalition" has faded ... .
I actually laughed out loud when I read that. Ironical justice.
Why was this moved? It was specifically put in the majors section to get major airline pilots to weigh in on what they may have heard!
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