Flight Safety International Part 142 ?

Okay I started this thread here in the Majors section because someone else attempted this in the flight training, 141 schools, and Universities section and it was misunderstood and closed. Here is my attempt at getting some answers. I have used the search function here and there is not much info and yes I have been to the FSI website. I am hoping someone in the majors section still does or has done this job before.

1. Does anyone have any current or past first hand experience working at Flight Safety International as a Full time Part 142 Simulator and Ground instructor who can answer or share their experiences (NOT FLIGHT SAFETY ACADEMY flight instructors)?

2. Does this job pay by day, assignment, hourly, or a salary? Are pay raises annual, years of service or performance based?

3. Is scheduling flexible, seniority based, on call, etc quality of life stuff?

4. I heard that they may have 4 tiers of instructor pay based on the aircraft you are teaching on and instructor experience?

5. Any detailed info about benefits? I am looking for an experienced opinion for someone with a family more detailed then what the FSI website explains? Like medical premiums, LTD, life insurance, co-pays etc.?

6. Last how does FSI sim and ground instructor benefits and pay compare to CAE, and Alteon? I am comparing 142 training schools not the 121 airline school house stuff (Which I am sure pays better and has more benefits)

Thank you in advance for any help or input,

I haven't worked there, but I'm 99% sure FSI instructor compensation is salary.
I worked at FSI 2008-2010. Send me a PM. :-)
I too am interested in Flight Safety if anyone has some insight.
Thanks Night Eagle for starting this
Quote: I too am interested in Flight Safety if anyone has some insight.
Thanks Night Eagle for starting this
If you are looking to instruct on "corporate jets" you should contact the Learning Center Manager at the one that trains the type of jet you have experiance on or want to work at. If you are looing at training 121 aircraft contact the Director of Training at the STL FlightSafety Training Center. All the phone numbers are on the FSI website. They will give you straight answers to all your questions. BTW: they do hire "part time" (hourly) as well as "full time" (salary). They are hiring in some programs. Worked for the 24 years total and happy.
Current FSI
I'm the Program manager for CRM at FSI, based at the Dallas Center. Send me a PM. We're interviewing currently.
I'm a part time instructor @ Simuflite. Full Time instructors are salaried, with some additions for multiple airframes, and or qualifications. Part Timers are hourly.