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I'm just curious........With all the animosity towards Go! pilots, are they allowed on everyone's jumpseat to/from/inter-island? And, if they live there, how can they (while saving any $) with the cost of living being so high? I know, lived there for over 4 yrs.

Not trying to start anything, just be awonder'in.
Great question.... I know I couldn't survive there on what I get paid. As for jump seats... in my humble opinion, tit for tatting is childish. We're all just trying to make a living. If one guy denies the other jump seat for this or that, then that guy will retaliate by denying so and so.... and the cycle continues.
I agree with Stanrhintx, if a cycle like that is started theres never a nice ending to it. Isn' the fact that they work for Mesa enough, they have to live with that, why make their life any more difficult? Although from what i've read on here before it seems things like this go on everyday in airports. AA guys denying Airtran guys, I can't imagine people being that petty that they would be so ridiculous, but that's the way life is!
Thanks for the info. Like I said at the begining, to me, there is alot of "hatered" or animosity towards the Mesa/Go! guys. Any of you out there? What's your opinion?

Just a question.....
Quote: Thanks for the info. Like I said at the begining, to me, there is alot of "hatered" or animosity towards the Mesa/Go! guys. Any of you out there? What's your opinion?

Just a question.....
Pilots(generally speaking) are not down with an airline coming in and lowballing. It will elminate other pilot jobs. It is called looking out for each other.
I agree with Stanrhintx, if a cycle like that is started theres never a nice ending to it. Isn' the fact that they work for Mesa enough, they have to live with that, why make their life any more difficult? Although from what i've read on here before it seems things like this go on everyday in airports. AA guys denying Airtran guys, I can't imagine people being that petty that they would be so ridiculous, but that's the way life is!
09-23-2006 03:22 PM
and some people are gay literally

Does that make you laugh?
I haven't heard of any problems with the go!/Mesa pilots getting denied jumpseats, but I wouldn't really be surprised (given the lawsuits going on between a couple Hawaiian carriers and go!)

As far as your asking about hatred and animosity towards Mesa pilots, I personally feel like it exists, but have yet to experience it when it comes to jumpseating. Having commuted for two years, I've never had a problem, and can say that I've been treated with the utmost professionalism by crews that I interact with.

I commute primarily on United and American (mainline) and have been treated exceptionally by both airlines. It does help how one presents themselves to the crew, however. I make it a point to introduce myself to the entire crew (including flight attendants), have ALL forms of ID out to present, and with an extended handshake request the privelege of riding aboard their aircraft (either in the front, or the back). Obviously, I treat the gate agent with the same professionalism and courtesy...although that is rarely reciprocated by them

I have heard that Freedom pilots have been getting denied, which is really unfortunate (if one knows the whole story). I'm all for the original Freedom "A" guys getting denied (or at least a stern talking to) but to deny the current Freedom pilots makes no sense. Hopefully people will understand that Freedom is simply a certificate now (and since the ERJ wasn't a part of the "evil" Freedom of old, I'm not even sure if an "A" lister is flying Freedom...which was all CRJ-related). The damage was done with the "A" listers...and hopefully that list of names will continue to circulate.
BTW anyone know how junior or senior CRJ CA at the hawaii base is going???
To my astonishment, I was granted a ride on Hawaiian and Aloha recently. I was not allowed to greet and thank the Hawaiin crew, but they gave me a ride across the pond, so I thank them for that even though they wouldn't talk to me.
Aloha crews have almost always been friendly to us. I was given an inter-island ride recently and the whole crew was nice and friendly.

As the politics heat up in court, the tension on the inter-island ramp has increased. I am sure we'll have more jumpseat denail stories in the near future.

As a side-note, I have given Aloha crews a ride on a few occasions, very friendly and professional.

As far as CRJ CA seniority goes, it is a mixed boat. OGG and ITO are realtively senoir (I couldn't hold OGG and I have been here nearly 7 years). LIH and HNL (reserve only) are realtively junior...junior CRJ captains there have roughly 2.5 to 3 years with the company.
Things may change within the next six to nine months. All bases (except KOA) are at minimum staffing and 10 days off a month, with no time to go to the mainland. Burnout is getting high and many may bid out of the system. Replacements will probably be junior. On the other hand, if PHX eventually shrinks some with displacing pilots & the CR9 comes out here, I can see this system going senior.

Hope it helps.

One other question to the Go! guys. Do you get a paid move to HI, or are you on your own to move yourself? When I went out there in '97, it was around $12k to move me and the wife (thank god it was a paid move!).
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