Humor on the Radio

What's the funniest thing you've heard on the radio?
see this link on the regionals forum..... I ask same thing awhile back with 200+ replies

If the link does not work its page 4 under regionals....
Quote: What's the funniest thing you've heard on the radio?
In the working areas off the coast of Corpus Christi, TX...

Student inadvertently keys the radio (instead of ICS) and tells his instructor he "effed" up a maneuver.

ATC calls back over Seagull common frequency and demands the student report his side number.

Instructor calls ATC back and says, "my student said he was "effed" up, but that doesn't mean he's stupid!"
I go to school at UND, and I heard this on one slow day on GFK Approach...

Masaba: "Approach, Masabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 123 is with you at 7000."
Approach: "Masabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 123, rgr, cleared visual 35L."
Masaba: "Cleared visual 35L. Hey, do you guys know the score of the Packers game?"
Approach: "Uh... yeah... umm..., I think it's at the end of the fourth, Packers winning XX to XX."

Talk continues between the two about the game. At some point, another UND student who wants to join in with the "big guys" and the apparent lack of professionalism on frequency comes on:

"Uh, Approach, Sioux 45, do you know the score of the Viking's game?"
Total silence.
