Some in our ranks are worried about a TRO can

I'm not worried, but some on our message board have asked

Anyone with friends at UA or US who they can ask how the TRO affected their union and how they did their business?
Your union isn't doing anything to harm the company. APA has categorically denied any organized actions, and instructed members to be professional. Why would a TRO be coming?

IIRC, US and UA had evidence of ALPA/usapa organized activity.
Quote: Your union isn't doing anything to harm the company. APA has categorically denied any organized actions, and instructed members to be professional. Why would a TRO be coming?

IIRC, US and UA had evidence of ALPA/usapa organized activity.
Actually that's not the case. The courts have held that not only does the union have to refrain from advocating for concerted activity, but they also have an affirmative duty to stop any activity that has been undertaken by their members.
Let the courts put the AA pilots in jail. (and this time go!) The courts are letting drug dealers out due to overcrowding. Can you imagine the pr nightmare of all of the A pilots walking into a Federal jail together. whats the total AA pilot list number? Secondly, if all the pilots march into jail together, the court just did the pilot group a favor in forcing the US Air merger. Slam dunk.

I'd be surprised if AA management pushed this issue further, but not shocked. They've done stupid things before.

Best of luck. Hang tough.
Airline pilots must get out from underneath the oppressive collective bargaining system made possible by the antiquated RLA. Its very name says it all. The aviation sector was "deregulated" to benefit neoliberals while leaving in place labor destroying regulations. It is time level the playing field.
Quote: Airline pilots must get out from underneath the oppressive collective bargaining system made possible by the antiquated RLA. Its very name says it all. The aviation sector was "deregulated" to benefit neoliberals while leaving in place labor destroying regulations. It is time level the playing field.
ALPA was fairly successful in making the airline pilot profession an upper tier profession both in compensation and working conditions prior to the mid 1970's. This was possible because the government regulated the industry and more importantly, the Civil Aeronautics Board acted to insure a degree of equality, equal pay for equal work, in the airline industry. Then a snake slithered into the industry via a rather innocuous freight company, Zantop, and the seeds of destruction of the profession were planted. With the help of Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy the industry was deregulated in 1978. Gone was the CAB but the RLA remained with its primary focus on preventing disruptions to the nation’s transportation system caused by labor actions as a result of failed contract negotiations. Today if you ask ALPA officials what they are doing to amend or abolish the RLA they will tell you that the subject of the RLA is “not even on our radar." Every ALPA member should rise up and insist that ALPA gets a backbone and lead the fight directly against the government and the RLA. And the snake…
Zantop? The airline of last resort? Little did I know I was a small part of history.