Bird Flu

Greetings Purple Flyers: Since I recently retired from the Plantation (at age 60+4 months for all you junior folks), I am not in the "loop" anymore.
What's the Co. doing about the latest Avian Flu from our BFF's in China?
BTW, retirement is not too shabby, don't miss the flying one bit. Amazing how well one feels after a few months of sleeping like Mother Nature intended.
No Poultry dishes will be boarded on flights in Asia along with an advisory put out by some virus guru saying the "bird" flu is not shown (yet) to be transferable between humans. SO, no choking the chicken(s) while in Asia
... but I hear we got a heck of a deal on Chinese pork!
Just spent a total of 3 days in Shanghai and basically did tirns back and for the to NRT for a week. Lots of chicken on the crew meal menu but no word about the H7N9 virus. I am sure the response will be the same as last time. Lock yourself in yur room don't eat or drink anything and hope for the best! Of course we will maintain our present flight schedule until is pronounced DOA from the virus!
Chinese col. says bird flu virus is U.S. biological weapon | Washington Free Beacon