Salley Com Piece

Could someone please re-post the Ben Salley IAH FO Rep com piece about the SLI that went out before the SLI Award came out?

It was talked about much here and I'm searching the archives and can't find it.


Bird Dog
You mean this one????

Against wise advice and sound judgment, I’ve decided to write a comm piece specifically aimed at the Forum participants. I’m gonna catch some heat for this, and I know that it will have absolutely no impact on the most vocal 10% (self-included) who post 90% of the threads. With that being said, I have had many encounters with UNITED (that means ALL of us) Pilots, who read my id badge and pull me aside to discuss something I might have posted on a forum at some point in time. The most insightful information from those encounters usually come from the subgroup we refer to as “lurkers”. Most of those “lurkers” are LUAL Pilots and are pretty smart fellas. These insightful encounters don’t normally occur with LCAL Pilots because LCAL Pilots rather expeditiously dial my number to let me know whether they like or dislike whatever position I’ve taken on that particular day, whether they agree with me or not.

There are three confessions that I’d like to make before I delve into the meat of this message. 1) Being the F/O LEC Rep in a base the size of IAH absolutely an absolutely herculean task that no one person should ever have to bear. 2) I absolutely love the job, and representing the fine ladies and gentlemen in IAH is a PRIVALEDGE that I relish. I plan on executing this duty until the IAH Pilots have had enough of me; because at some point that’s going to happen. Even Hostess Twinkies have a shelf life. One would be remiss to think that Large-Base Reps do not; once again, it’s not an easy job. 3) If you happen to wonder why I still frequent the forum, it’s because it was one of my campaign pledges. When I assumed this office, I had little to no political experience; and fortunately, I’m still willing to learn more about this job. What I did know on day 1 was something my grandfather taught me; “never forget the hand that fed you, or the foot that kicked you. And repay each at your earliest convenience”. The forum Pilots gave me this opportunity and still have expectations of me. Ergo, I don’t have the time to post everyday, but I’ll never abandon the forum Pilots while I execute my duties as your Rep.

As stated, this message is specifically targeted to the forum members; so I’d like to clear up some misconceptions and clear the air on some issues.

First off, the perceived war between MEC members doesn’t exist. For the past two years, I’ve spent at least one hour of everyday on the phone with at least one member of the UAL MEC. There are several members of the LUAL MEC who I consider friends; there are NO members of the United or Continental MEC’s who I deem unconcerned with the plight of the UNITED (ALL of us) Pilots.

Secondly, Jay Pierce, Jay Heppner and Wendy Morse, have all occupied very difficult positions in the last 3 years. All have excellent leadership abilities and sound integrity. Their problem has been that it is very difficult to be an advocate for the LUAL Pilots without somehow hurting a LCAL Pilot. It is equally difficult to advocate for LCAL Pilots without somehow hurting a LUAL Pilot. The good news is that whatever the SLI outcome might be, in a few short, or long, weeks, we can get rid of the “L”. In 6 months anyone still speaking the word “Legacy”, is doing so because that Pilot chooses to do so. I’m still learning this ALPA thing, but make no bones about it, I believe in our Union and the bottom up doctrine. If improvements are to be made in our organization, they must have their genesis within the Line Pilots ranks.

Lastly, and most unsavory; I’d like to delve into my core motivation for this particular message. Not so much on APC or a few other forums, I check-in every night to see what might be going on after my official business is done. Once or twice a week, I am able to reach out to someone who has a relevant problem, but who has not called his Rep, for whatever reason. That’s actionable information that can be acted upon, and I do that. The unfortunate truth is I find, from the aforementioned 10%, inflammatory and insulting post between LUAL and LCAL Pilots about the SLI. I’d like to inform the stated Pilots that the SLI ship has sailed. Whether the LCAL or LUAL proposal is adopted, come October, we’ve got to start work immediately on the next contract. Also of note, the MEC’s are done with SLI; there is no further work to be done. We sit back and wait on the Arbitrator’s decision.

I have no idea of what the Arbitrators’ decision might be, but I do know what my reaction will be; The ISL will be released, and barring any gross illegal impropriety, I will accept it. To repeat, I will accept the LCAL proposal, I will accept the LUAL proposal.

In closing, We are 12,00 Pilots strong, if we choose to be. The aggregate Pilot group will move the way it wants to. If the LUAL and LCAl Pilots espouse UNITY, I’m right here with you. If you choose to USAir this thing, I’ve been there and done that, I’m out and God Bless you. Arguing the SLI on the forums, though entertaining, is a waste of the LCAL and LUAL Pilots professionalism.

Thanks... just asked the Mormons to call 'me' at that number...
Quote: Thanks... just asked the Mormons to call 'me' at that number...
So you didn't put a Craigslist post in 20 or 30 markets saying "Brand New iPad for sale $100" with that number?
Quote: So you didn't put a Craigslist post in 20 or 30 markets saying "Brand New iPad for sale $100" with that number?
No, I put 6 figure airline pilot looking for the right girl... are you her? Call me... now!
Thanks but I'm not sure.

Guess it really doesn't matter anyway.

Thanks again,
