Regionals / Training contracts?

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Hi guys,

Looking for advice. I was checking out the airline profiles of all the regionals that are hiring. I know many of them have a training contract but it doesn't say so in the profile. I haven't flown in 5 years but thought it might be reasonable that i start there again. Going to get instrument / medical current in February. Is it realistic to expect a Regional job after all this time off? I'd like to get back to a national or major in the next couple years. I have 8000+TT 5 type ratings. But like I said haven't touched an airplane in 5 years. Furloughed from major 2001 and then flew corporate until 2009. Self employed since. I prefer a company without a training bond or maybe a one year contract. Any advice is great too.

I think most do not have a training contract. At least the big ones like Envoy, Endeavor, Express jet, Compass.
Quote: I think most do not have a training contract. At least the big ones like Envoy, Endeavor, Express jet, Compass.

Compass has a 12 month, $12,000 training contract.
Envoy has no contract. But if you accept the $5000 bonus you must pay it back if you leave before two years.
With that kind of time, I would apply to the majors now, take a job with a regional that has no contract and bail as soon as you get a call. A 12 month contract wouldn't be terrible if that worked better for you as far as a base is concerned.
That is my goal, but like I said I haven't flown in 5 years and all majors/ nationals require you be current with X amount of hours in previous year.
Quote: That is my goal, but like I said I haven't flown in 5 years and all majors/ nationals require you be current with X amount of hours in previous year.
You might have a hard time getting hired at a regional because they don't want to spend the cash to get you ready to go to a major in 6 months.
Quote: You might have a hard time getting hired at a regional because they don't want to spend the cash to get you ready to go to a major in 6 months.

TSA would be happy to take him. We're so desperate that 6 months sounds great.
Quote: You might have a hard time getting hired at a regional because they don't want to spend the cash to get you ready to go to a major in 6 months.
I doubt this. Some regionals are only doing phone interviews. If you have a pulse, have the hours and are even remotely capable of getting through training you will get hired somewhere no problem. Just wait another year or so and then the real shortage will be starting
Quote: You might have a hard time getting hired at a regional because they don't want to spend the cash to get you ready to go to a major in 6 months.
Too high of time for that. Name the last 10k hour guy to get hired. Mostly military, 5k hour FOs and junior captains.
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