Instructors - Attending class for free

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So a friend of mine instructs at a flight school that also operates a 135. They told him about a 135 indoctrination class they wanted him to come to.

He is an hourly employee and he assumed he would be pad for this. Now after asking for clarification, they said the class is "optional" and therefore they are not paying him anything to attend. If he doesn't attend he won't be eligible to fly the 135.

Comments? Doesn't sound fair to me, but if it is fair and I'm out of line, please let me know...
Instructors - Attending class for free
I think this is very common among small-time 135 operators, especially those that operate flight schools as well.
Especially with many piston jobs you don't start earning a paycheck until you have completed training and passed the Checkride. With smaller companies the Checkride might be with a Fed; With larger outfits, it's usually with a company Check Airman. There are exceptions to either situation.
Your friend is a flight instructor with no 135 experience, and they're giving him the option of getting exposed to the 135 side of the operation, if I understand correctly.

He doesn't want to take advantage of that if he doesn't get paid extra?

Sometimes one can't lead a horse to water, even in the desert.
Should he probably get paid to attend the class - sure.
Is he willing to give up the opportunity to fly on the P135 side of the house for a day's worth (or more) of self-investment? If he has something better to do to propel himself up the aviation ranks - then he should do that - otherwise - sometimes you have to invest time and effort in your career even on your own time/dime.
At some stages of the game - that might be the break needed to go to up a rung on the career ladder.
I'm amazed, that is really a no brainer, especially from a networking point of view.
Good points all... Thanks for the input...

Part of the issue is also that they have 10-15 pilots that will be in the "class", but they have very few customers and almost no charter flights at the moment.. So it may all be a waste of time anyway..
A waste of time to get instruction in Part 135 operations?
Did you ever think your company might be laying the ground work or otherwise posturing for an endeavor you are not yet aware of? Years ago we began a charter operation that was born from a flight school. It turned out to be a very successful operation and in relatively short order. Though we began with piston planes, it wasn't long before we had a fleet of turboprops and jets; not to mention a pretty descent customer base and contracts. PS, Lots of Fortune 500 companies literally started in a garage. Garrett Air research for one... Nothing ventured nothing gained...
Quote: Good points all... Thanks for the input...

Part of the issue is also that they have 10-15 pilots that will be in the "class", but they have very few customers and almost no charter flights at the moment.. So it may all be a waste of time anyway..
How much time is really wasted? 4-8hrs?

Even if it doesn't pan out with the current operation, it gives you some insight on things that are required by 135 ops.

Out of curiosity, is this outfit in the metro Detroit area? I did a similiar thing, but got great experience in C421 and Be20. Some was loggable, some wasnt, but all worth it
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