Horizon Air Interviews??

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Does anyone who currently works for Horizon or may be in the know what future hiring plans up there in Portland are looking like and what aircraft hiring would be for???
Almost all will go to the Q400 in Seattle.
Any idea when the next group of interviews will be????
Yeah I am really interested in finding that out too seems like hireing there slowed down a bit
Our Chief Pilot has been in North Dakota doing interview stuff lately. I don't know if they are doing any off the street hiring.
Do you know how many they took from UND last week.
No. I don't know.
If thats the case should I just give up on hopes of horizon and look else where????
Quote: If thats the case should I just give up on hopes of horizon and look else where????
Why do that. With 13 new airplanes coming I'm sure there will be lots of hiring. The trend for the past 5 or 16 months has been 18 FO's every 5 weeks. Dont give up so quick.
Do you mean the 400s? Last I heard, the outgoing 200s would pretty much cancel out any prospect for growth from those new 400s.
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