So.... first day of IOE tomorrow.

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Cant wait to have everyone in ATL blatantly laughing at me over the radio!
Quote: Cant wait to have everyone in ATL blatantly laughing at me over the radio!

Have Fun! Remember to say "clear right" a lot
good luck tomorrow....have fun and stay safe
I'm sure that you are going to be just fine! Good luck and post your initial experience once you finished your flight. Have fun!
It is the most enjoyable part of training. Have fun ask us a lot of questions and do not get rushed. We want you to learn no do. It is a blast.
Most fun I had too. You feel like a student pilot again
Quote: Cant wait to have everyone in ATL blatantly laughing at me over the radio!
Hey good luck with that! Which airline do you work for?
I remember those days....Ground was the worst! All i could do was laugh. Dont worry man...IT GETS EASIER and everybody before you made the same mistakes.
Well, that was a blur.

Overall, a very fun experience and I learned a ton. For example, the plane doesnt fly like the simulator. Not at all.

I felt like I kept up with it pretty well, but it is like learning all over again. I got a good review from the Capt.... he only laughed at me once....for saying our callsign after he verified the runway. He simply said "I know who we are..." Funny.

Day 2 tomorrow....all I can hope for is to improve.
I thought the very first time that I clicked off the autopilot to land the sucker was just as exciting as my first solo. Have fun!
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