Two Is All It Takes

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News from behind the curtain.

The "yes" reps have lined up behind the current vice chairman, Ed Havrilla, as Donatelli's successor. He's Dontatelli's hand-picked #2

Havrilla stated to Mason that the pilots were "naive" to vote NA15 down. It's simply unbelieveable. He is a "we know better than you" kind of guy. More of the same.

All 11 "yes" men have lined up behind him--including Nestor and Mason.

With all the recall talk, it's important to remember we only need two of the "yes 11" to be recalled to change the entire trajectory of DALPA. Only two. DALPA will fight hard to keep the current junta in place. We've got to keep up the motivation and the pressure to get these recalls accomplished.

Stay involved, spread the word. We can do this.
Who is your choice?
Quote: Who is your choice?
Bill Bartels. He's been the leader of Team No forever, so he's my guy now! And, btw, I expect C2K+inflation, plus 5:15/day vacation, 300 hr/year sick leave, and ZERO concessions. The current guys couldn't do it, but many from Team No act like that's easily achievable.

So get to it!
Quote: News from behind the curtain.

The "yes" reps have lined up behind the current vice chairman, Ed Havrilla, as Donatelli's successor. He's Dontatelli's hand-picked #2

Havrilla stated to Mason that the pilots were "naive" to vote NA15 down. It's simply unbelieveable. He is a "we know better than you" kind of guy. More of the same.

All 11 "yes" men have lined up behind him--including Nestor and Mason.

With all the recall talk, it's important to remember we only need two of the "yes 11" to be recalled to change the entire trajectory of DALPA. Only two. DALPA will fight hard to keep the current junta in place. We've got to keep up the motivation and the pressure to get these recalls accomplished.

Stay involved, spread the word. We can do this.
Same BS, different day. Delay tactics at various councils, scheduling recall meetings clear back into September but the MEC Chairman position switch gets scheduled immediately. The whole damn place needs to be purged. I foresee a second chairman recall after a second vote down of a failed TA. Insanity. Vote DPA and take control of your union. No more business as usual.
a piece of paper and a stamp.
The shadow MEC will find a puppet they can control. Anything to stay in power and sell us out for the minimum.

The puppet will be easy to spot. Buzz and Randy will support them.

Repeating the same thing and expecting a different result is.........
Quote: Same BS, different day. Delay tactics at various councils, scheduling recall meetings clear back into September but the MEC Chairman position switch gets scheduled immediately. The whole damn place needs to be purged. I foresee a second chairman recall after a second vote down of a failed TA. Insanity. Vote DPA and take control of your union. No more business as usual.
The delaying of the LEC meetings to avoid recall is pure cowardice.

The ship is adrift.
Quote: Bill Bartels. He's been the leader of Team No forever, so he's my guy now! And, btw, I expect C2K+inflation, plus 5:15/day vacation, 300 hr/year sick leave, and ZERO concessions. The current guys couldn't do it, but many from Team No act like that's easily achievable.

So get to it!
I could totally vote for that.
Quote: Bill Bartels. He's been the leader of Team No forever, so he's my guy now! And, btw, I expect C2K+inflation, plus 5:15/day vacation, 300 hr/year sick leave, and ZERO concessions. The current guys couldn't do it, but many from Team No act like that's easily achievable.

So get to it!
Geeze........not bitter are you!?! Since the current team couldn't come anywhere near that and in fact negotiated some of our current contract away, you have not a leg to stand on demanding anything better than the failed TA.

Like No voters from previous contracts, you just don't understand why you are on the side that was in the minority. Guess what? The majority has spoken. We must move on. My guess is it will be up to RA how negotiations continue from here. Once we get our stuff together, the questions are: Will he want to re-engage in a meaningful way or not? If not, will he fan the flames of discontent by various means? (It would be easy to do). Time will tell.

Havrilla!! What a bold and daring choice !!


You gotta be kidding me.

This MEC majority is clearly incapable of reforming itself.
These guys obviously have no idea how to deal with a pilot group that is actually engaged and paying attention. The days of automatic 60% yes votes are long gone.

Sooo -- They are going to make us do this the hard way.

With all their shady maneuvering to delay the recall votes its going to take months, but we will eventually get them all removed. Then we can put in some actual new leadership.

The MEC just better hope the DPA doesn't get enough cards before that.
They're taking a helluva gamble with all their stonewalling of the line pilots.
I'm sure the MEC is hoping everybody will calm down and forget about the recalls but I think the anger and frustration is only building.

Anderson's clumsy handling of the aircraft orders/cancellations has only made it worse for the ALPA lifers.
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