GA Autoland

DA42 in Autoland mode.

Diamond Aircraft, as AVweb reported last week, has been working with the University of Stuttgart to develop an auto-land system for the DA42, and on Monday, they posted a video of one of the test landings. The system is highly redundant, and requires no ground support, the test engineers said. They also added that they plan to test an automatic takeoff feature later this month. The DA42 also has been used recently in unmanned flight tests, conducted by Aurora Life Sciences, in New York. Those flights were the first to utilize a large-scale fixed-wing aircraft in any of the FAA’s six designated unmanned aircraft test sites.
The video was posted on YouTube on Monday.
At re-current training the instructors tell of a client that auto-landed a straight wing Citation,, I believe a II or a V? Due to the Battery doing a thermal runaway and dropping thru the elevator cables. AP cables run thru the upper fus in that model so they just let an ILS fly them into a runway
Quote: At re-current training the instructors tell of a client that auto-landed a straight wing Citation,, I believe a II or a V? Due to the Battery doing a thermal runaway and dropping thru the elevator cables. AP cables run thru the upper fus in that model so they just let an ILS fly them into a runway
This model of Cessna you mention had the ability to autoflare and such as in the video or they just let the plane fly onto the runway at whatever rate of descent applicable to the ILS?
Just let the auto pilot fly to approx 50ft (depends on what airframe) then select ALT HOLD and bring back the thrust levers. When you touch down, the auto pilot will disengage and whaaa-la!
If I remember there is a "thumb wheel" for pitch while AP is engaged? That enabled them to somewhat flare from what I was told. I believe this happened at DFW