Anyone take their wife to CCS?

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She is wanting to go on a lay over this month and my only layover is down there. My only worry is the one flight out and having to leave her behind. Ideas? Thanks
Nah...she can't remember both passwords, to get into the antiquated website. Lol
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, that is the last place I'd take my wife.

- no. 2 on most dangerous cities in the world
Most Dangerous Cities in the World -

- UAL ALPA: "due to security concerns an exception to the downtown requirement of the UPA is applicable in CCS"

- ALPA: "Security Issues
Venezuela is considered one of the most dangerous countries in the world. Incidents of murder, kidnapping, carjacking and other violent crimes have increased dramatically across Venezuela in recent years due to the country's skyrocketing inflation rate, high unemployment, widespread poverty and corrupt police and judicial system.
Kidnappings are the fastest growing crime in Venezuela and have increased by 300 percent since 2009. A high percentage of kidnappings involve police officers and soldiers, and kidnappers are now demanding U.S. dollars and euros in payment, as both currencies are in high demand in the country."

- Company: an "Extraordinary Security Location"

- State Department: "The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is unable to determine whether Venezuelan airports that serve as the last point of departure for non-stop flights to the U.S. maintain and carry out effective aviation security measures..."

- recommend by hotel to not to leave hotel

- weak wifi in room, yet, stuck in hotel

- armed guards outside

- $70 for a meal and 2 beers after exchange rate

- give cabbie $20 to get cheap local dollars--get arrested if caught

- offhanded remark about time zone, get detained by customs
U.S. flight crew held by foreign authorities for insulting Chavez

- chance your wife gets left behind with all of the above

Unless you're locals don't take her.
Anyone take their wife to CCS?
I like CCS, relaxing time there.
Are you happily married?
Quote: Are you happily married?
I see what you did there.
Trust me. Don't even think about it. Been to every major city in VEnezuela. Avoid that place.
She was wanting to go but has since changed her mind after more research. I don't even like going down there. Thanks for the replies
BOG is a much nicer place down there.
Take her to Punta Cana, or even PVR(AUA is nice too). Just watch out for 'Zeka'. She may get stuck, she may not, have a few backup plans.

Whisper some words in the gate agent's ear as you check in.
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