Tricare Reserve (TRS) vs Regional Healthcare

I'm a Guard bum in a heavy unit, starting at SkyWest this month. Single and healthy. Currently, I have TRS.

What have others done for healthcare? Pick one or the other, or have concurrent coverage? I admit ignorance about my current TRS benefits since I haven't really had to use them.
TRS is hard to beat and it worked well for my family when I was still in the USAFR. It all depends on the price and coverage offered by your company. Each person must evaluate their own situation/needs.
If your single and healthy, whatever's cheaper. I don't think I ever filed an insurance claim til after I got married.
TRS. I know very little about the SKW plan, but I already know enough to know I don't need to know any more.

I'm certain this would apply to any regional, and most or all majors as well.
Post Affordable Care Act, it's hard to beat TRS. My only complaint is the number of providers that take Tricare are slowly shrinking, mainly because the contracted administrators are a pain.
TRS is HALF the cost of the cheapest health plan at my airline, and so far, we haven't had any problems.
Quote: Post Affordable Care Act, it's hard to beat TRS. My only complaint is the number of providers that take Tricare are slowly shrinking, mainly because the contracted administrators are a pain.
This is a true statement.

I'm retired ARNGUS and just encountered another health insurance problem. My wife has insurance from her employer and I turned down my company health insurance in favor of her plan. It is similar in coverage and her premium share is 40% less than what my employer charges.

Now, her company is requiring the spouses of their employees to purchase health care from their employers, IF AVAILABLE, or face higher premiums beginning in 2018. A coworker at my company has the same issue with his wife's employer.

We plan to drop my coverage and keep our daughters on her plan. When that time comes, Tricare Standard will be my only coverage.