NWA furloughs



The NWA MEC officers and Negotiating Committee met with NWA management today to review the initial steps management plans to take in the near future as part of its reorganization plan. During the meeting, management informed ALPA that it will reduce mainline block hours by 13 percent. Management said the reduced flying levels will result in 400 pilot furloughs over the next eight months in addition to the approximately 500 Northwest pilots currently on furlough. The first 70 pilots will soon receive notice for layoff which will be effective Nov. 1, then 150 pilots are expected to be furloughed Jan. 1, and the rest (180 pilots) in early second quarter 2006.

These additional furloughs are driven by reduced flying levels and are not the result of any changes to our contract. The NWA pilot contract remains in full force and effect as it was prior to yesterday’s filing. NWA pilots have aggressively fought over the past few years to help NWA avoid Chapter 11 because of its impact on pilot jobs. Today's news is very painful for our membership, especially our junior pilots and their families. Throughout this reorganization, ALPA will continue its efforts to mitigate the loss of pilot jobs.