LGA Reserve

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What is LGA 145 reserve like? Is it only airport reserve?
Quote: What is LGA 145 reserve like? Is it only airport reserve?
Brutal. No.
Can you give details
How long is the RSV in LGA for DEC? How long to hold MIA base?
2 2017 hire LGA CA's I personally know were awarded MIA the last bid. That being said, I'd be curious to see what happens to some of these guys when the first of the massive FO hiring wave many of which are senior to these guys starts upgrading..
Quote: How long is the RSV in LGA for DEC? How long to hold MIA base?
Reserve will probably be at least 2 years for a DEC no matter what base they're in.
Quote: How long is the RSV in LGA for DEC? How long to hold MIA base?
This depends if they come quickly and a bunch of dec join after we have about 40 reserve captains in LGA we have hired about 50 dec the company’s stated goal was 200 some might get other bases. If your in the second half expect reserve to be minimum 2.5 years.
Quote: This depends if they come quickly and a bunch of dec join after we have about 40 reserve captains in LGA we have hired about 50 dec the company’s stated goal was 200 some might get other bases. If your in the second half expect reserve to be minimum 2.5 years.
^^^^. Reserve time isn't based on a chronological clock. It's based on how many pilots get hired after you. Since the DEC program isn't working very well then I'd say it's going to be longer than predicted by recruiters. The stories those guys tell sometimes are unbelievable.
Quote: ^^^^. Reserve time isn't based on a chronological clock. It's based on how many pilots get hired after you. Since the DEC program isn't working very well then I'd say it's going to be longer than predicted by recruiters. The stories those guys tell sometimes are unbelievable.
Really speaks to how crappy our reserve and QOL rules are when we cant even get many to come with a 50K bonus and instant upgrade.
Is reserve usually short and long call at LGA? For F/O and CA
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