Aug 6/7 class?

Has anyone been called for an August 7 class yet? I got called for a August 27 class. I was just wondering if they’re splitting the Aug 6 class again into a Aug 6 and Aug 7 class? Looking forward to class on the 27th!
Yep, the class is split. Got a buddy in the August 7 class
How long did u swim in the pool?
Quote: How long did u swim in the pool?
I didn't swim. Interviewed in March and was offered the August 6 class on the spot. I had to defer the class at the last second and was rolled into the next class which is supposed to be on August 27.
Any drop info?
I believe it’s something like

Aug 06
4 MD11 SDF
13 747 ANC

AUG 07
all 757 domestic, various bases.
Anyone know distribution of the 75 class yesterday? How many and to which bases? Thx
Quote: Anyone know distribution of the 75 class yesterday? How many and to which bases? Thx

Looks like. 3 757 sdf. 4 757 ont. 1 airbus