OAL international JS

Question for you all. Im leaving PUJ tomorrow and planning to JS OAL. Plenty of seats in the back.
Anybody have any problems with that down here? Are the contract agents accomating? I bought a zed just in case they dont know what they’re doing, but would loke to JS for obvious reasons...
Quote: Question for you all. Im leaving PUJ tomorrow and planning to JS OAL. Plenty of seats in the back.
Anybody have any problems with that down here? Are the contract agents accomating? I bought a zed just in case they dont know what they’re doing, but would loke to JS for obvious reasons...
Have you looked into paying a possible departure tax? Some stations might only accept cash. Some Airlines will not allow your JS status, even if you occupy a seat in the back.

Arrive with plenty of time in case there's a hiccup. You did the right thing by purchasing a ZED ticket. Just check if that airline requires you to check in.
Sounds like a mess. Zed it is. Thanks for the advice!
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