Competitive Stats

Trying to land a job at United, however i am unaware of what is currently competitive stats for civilian guys are? Thanks for any information.
Quote: Trying to land a job at United, however i am unaware of what is currently competitive stats for civilian guys are? Thanks for any information.
By now you probably have read and heard the "average is..."

The problem is it's not a checklist of stats that gets one through the electronic filters leading to being called for the Hogan test.


From Commercial to ATP - how long did it take?
Total hour ranking depends on the time frame again.
PIC Turbine a must.
"Leadership" is also a high factor, LCA, Check Airman, ...
No DUIs.
A Bachelor's degree in something.
No FAR violations
Recommendations from multiple sources that are credible.

Again no one thing is "the" stat which will get you the Hogan and then interview. It is a combination of weighting and comparison with others in your demographic.

I don't know where you're at in the process, but the way to get anything is to set a goal(s) and then work you rear end off to achieve them.

May the force be with you!
Civilian Invite Stats

It probably hasn't changed much in the past month? Also it's such a wide range of people getting hired I don't think you can really pin down what's competitive.

Former Intern, College Degree, 4300tt, and 1300tpic.