Critical Coverage ?

Critical coverage declaration late again?!?
It’s purposeful. They wait to see how many people will put in requests.
Quote: It’s purposeful. They wait to see how many people will put in requests.
Which is why no one should be putting in their requests until the last possible moment.
Quote: Critical coverage declaration late again?!?
Critical coverage has consistently been posted during the 48 hour window. Expect it to be posted today around noon-2ish. If it doesn’t come today then it’s late.
Since there’s lots of OT around and my seat has CC this month (both unprecedented in my >1.5 yr here), I would appreciate some help with this question.

Suppose I’m awarded a 75 hour line, trade it down to 72, then pick up OT in critical coverage for 10 hours.

Is it 72 hours at 100% and 10 hours at 200% or.... 75 hours at 100% and 7 hours at 200%?

The contract suggests that if a pilot “bids open time during transition to restore him to his original bid line value,” he is not entitled to OT or CC premium. If I have understood this correctly it makes OT largely a waste of time for me because I always shed some hours getting my schedule to where I can commute it without going over 4 hotels. I don’t understand “during transition,” does this isolate the caveat to open time flying occurring during the 3-4 day transition period at the beginning and end of each month? Or pickups during interval to be flown at whatever point
92 hrs....
Quote: 92 hrs....
Sick, thanks Pedro. I always assume the company is going to screw me somehow.