Dress Code at OSC?

When they relaxed the dress code in mint didn’t they also change the dress code for us for osc? I’ve looked but can’t find the communication. Can someone point me in the right direction?
The relaxed the Mint dress code when they dropped the fee, not OSC expectations.
I’m a few drinks in, but isn’t there the “dress for your roll?” Or something like that? I think jeans are okay, no matter what day you go.
Quote: I’m a few drinks in, but isn’t there the “dress for your roll?” Or something like that? I think jeans are okay, no matter what day you go.

Yeah I know it wasn’t related to mint, I just remember it being at the same time. Something about T-shirts with no writing. Probably going crazy, hopefully my limitations aren’t this fuzzy.
Quote: Yeah I know it wasn’t related to mint, I just remember it being at the same time. Something about T-shirts with no writing. Probably going crazy, hopefully my limitations aren’t this fuzzy.
They changed it last fall. I think jeans, t-shirts, tennis shoes are ok. There was an email, but not sure what manual the details are in.
HelloJetBlue>Search>OSC dress code

“Dress for your day” comes up. Seekingblue was on the right track.
Yep my sim partner and I wore jeans and a T-shirt every day during upgrade.