How do you log your flights?

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Quote: Do you guys/gals log actual instrument at all? I’ve been logging 1/10th of every leg I’m PF as actual instrument time, wondering if that’s acceptable to potential interviewers.
You can log instrument time as PM too, just not the approaches or landings.
+1 for Safelog, easy to log once at the gate, sync it up, easy peasy. I just printed 96 pages at FedEx for around 30 bucks for an interview.
Open MccPilotlog, download schedule, close MccPilotlog.
Quote: Open MccPilotlog, download schedule, close MccPilotlog.
How you do for the ac registration?
I log leg by leg with the use of APDL and export it to logbook pro. In my paper log book, I do a combo of leg by leg, turns, or tail (if I kept the plane for 3 to 4 legs).
I write date e175 kxxx to kxxx out/in time 1.5 day/night pic landings onto the next line
It's free. It's very flexible. And it only takes about 30 seconds per flight to enter. The developer is also very open to suggestions or issues.
I keep hearing about APDL... anyone know of any software that plays well with FLICA?

I'm also using zululog and it would be nice to keep it since it has a nice way of storing everything and not just flight entries (endorsements, etc.)
Quote: I keep hearing about APDL... anyone know of any software that plays well with FLICA?

I'm also using zululog and it would be nice to keep it since it has a nice way of storing everything and not just flight entries (endorsements, etc.)
I use adpl with flica and it works well.
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