CFI or 135?

During these crazy times as a pilot that is approaching 135 pic mins would it be best to stay the course as a CFI and wait it out till airlines are hiring again or try and go to a 135 and gain some new flying experience? I enjoy teaching and am thankful to still have a job that allows me to fly every day. I am just trying to decide if after all this is over some 135 experience on a resume or as a career would be a better path.
By all means try and diversify.
No reason not to move forward if you get the opportunity.
Trying to move up you’ll encounter a lot of people moving down bringing experience with them in times like this.
Diversity will determine how many steps they need to take back in their career.
Have a look at Exclusive Jets out of Kinston NC while you’re at it.
Best of luck in your search.
135 will certainly get you more Multi time. Perhaps even turbine multi time.

Many companies that hire new 135 pilots also have flight schools, so you may have the opportunity to do both at the same job.

Quote: 135 will certainly get you more Multi time. Perhaps even turbine multi time.

Many companies that hire new 135 pilots also have flight schools, so you may have the opportunity to do both at the same job.

That would be pretty sweet!