Private Test

Woohoo, passed my written exam this morning with a 98!
Have my final chief instructor check ride next Tuesday, then hopefully the FAA check ride later next week!
Just wanted to share...
Congratulations. A lot of students struggle on the private knowledge exam. I thought the instrument one was the toughest by far. Good luck on the checkride!
Congrats, very impressive, good luck with you certification!
hah that is pretty impressive.. 98.. did you do ground school? how did you go about studying and stuff?
Used the Jeppesen syllabus, would do ground and flight at the same time (ie: ground 1 and flight 1 on the same days). The King videos and practice tests at the Sporty's web site were pretty helpful for the test itself.
Only question I got wrong was some obscure question about which division of the FAA do you report automobile DWI convictions to.
Congratulations!! I am going for my PPL now and with few hours am studing always. Any recommendations on the written test?
As a continuation, I passed my checkride today! I'm now the proud holder of a temporary ASEL certificate!
congrats buddy... have fun with your new license and flying your friends and family around...

just remember that your Private is truly a license to learn

from my experience, you will learn more about flying and how to be a pilot in the next 100 hours than you did from zero time until now.

im sure others would concur