AA Hiring?

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Same boat
Quote: FWIW, I completed my online assessment in DEC, haven't heard anything from AA since. But I'm in a different boat.. retired military, heavy jet time, unrestricted ATP w/ just over 5000 hours. Could have been I tubed the assessment, or they've just slowed that much, or ageism, or ....... who knows. Luckily, I don't "need" to work, but I want to. Would be interested in hearing from anyone who's waited a while and then heard back, as to how long it was so I know if they've moved past me or not. I have 3 other offers and 1 interview today. Thanks.
I took the assessment in December as well and haven't heard anything back. I'm still in my mid 30's. I wasn't very competitive as far as times back then but I am continually updating my app and hoping to hear something back as I get closer to upgrading at my current regional and starting to log some 121 PIC. I also have a CJO from another legacy.
You guys are asking the wrong question here. It's not about what number you will retire that doesn't matter so much its all about how quickly you will move up. Maybe you can be the top dog at one airline for a single day before you retire. Our would you rather spend 25 years in the top 25% globally? This is what actually changes your lifestyle. Being in the top 1000 doesn't matter if you're not there until 64.
Quote: You guys are asking the wrong question here. It's not about what number you will retire that doesn't matter so much its all about how quickly you will move up. Maybe you can be the top dog at one airline for a single day before you retire. Our would you rather spend 25 years in the top 25% globally? This is what actually changes your lifestyle. Being in the top 1000 doesn't matter if you're not there until 64.
Exactly. The average seniority is what produces the most value for one's career. Maybe the best analysis would be to compare average seniority in 5 year blocks? 0-5 yrs to retirement, 6-10 yrs to retirement, etc. Also what does that seniority hold? Buddy's been flying turns on the n/b for a decade? The other details don't matter- he lives close to the airport and can fly turns every month on any day he wants. Jump-seated with a super senior AA guy out of DFW. PHX turn. Afternoon departure, home for a late dinner. No alarm clocks, can do whatever he wants that morning, golf, gym, tennis, yardwork, etc, spends about 7 hrs at work, and has a later dinner. He just didn't see the value of doing 8-14 hr flights for a 23% pay bump.

Also what you do with that seniority matters. That's where individual choice comes into play. AA, and others, have Captains in their 20's. Youngest at AA is 25. Even if he's the plug for 5 years spending 40 years as a Captain at a Big 3 airline has value beyond what most people would assign to someone that chooses to be a n/b FO for 40 years.
Quote: Any Space Shuttle time CaptHook?
Not yet, but we never know how it goes.
Quote: Were you ever Captain on any of the a/c? 170/190, 320, or 350? Your odds should be decent, better if you were previously a Captain.

Have you applied to the other Big 3 airlines (Delta, United)? Commuting is ok (easy enough) if you want to live in a AA crew base but don't get hired. Pursue DL and UA at the same time, go to whoever hires you first. Continue applying at 1, or both, of the other airlines if you prefer tham over the first airline that hires you. In the U.S. there is no training bond. Guys have literally based their type rating ride at airline X, walked down the hall to give their 2 week notice, and had the fleet manager say "don't bother going to the your base. We won't give you any IOE/LOE. Thanks for letting us know. Good luck."
Unfortunately I was never a captain on any of this planes. I have a bachelor degree in Law and started Flight School on my last college year. I finished my CPL with 157h and got hired as FO to fly the E170/190. After that joined a flag carrier on 320, furlough due seniority, joined another company on 320, then join the Middle East company on the 320, and after 3 yrs, fleet transfer to the 350. Right now I am also qualified as In Flight Relief, taking the left seat when the Captain is taking his rest. Almost all my hours are Part 121 equivalent, except for this 157h from the school. I am applying for the big 3, but I have 2 preferences. Thanks for your reply.
Quote: Unfortunately I was never a captain on any of this planes. I have a bachelor degree in Law and started Flight School on my last college year. I finished my CPL with 157h and got hired as FO to fly the E170/190. After that joined a flag carrier on 320, furlough due seniority, joined another company on 320, then join the Middle East company on the 320, and after 3 yrs, fleet transfer to the 350. Right now I am also qualified as In Flight Relief, taking the left seat when the Captain is taking his rest. Almost all my hours are Part 121 equivalent, except for this 157h from the school. I am applying for the big 3, but I have 2 preferences. Thanks for your reply.
Qualified as relief pilot only? U.S. airlines might not give you credit for that time. Or are you saying you're qualified to be acting Captain when the Captain goes on break and some FO's aren't qualified to be acting PIC? That's different than in the U.S. Everyone FO gets left seat qualified so either pilot can be acting PIC while the Captain is on break.

Apply. Let them decide. If you don't apply they'll never know you exist. Good luck.
Quote: Unfortunately I was never a captain on any of this planes. I have a bachelor degree in Law and started Flight School on my last college year. I finished my CPL with 157h and got hired as FO to fly the E170/190. After that joined a flag carrier on 320, furlough due seniority, joined another company on 320, then join the Middle East company on the 320, and after 3 yrs, fleet transfer to the 350. Right now I am also qualified as In Flight Relief, taking the left seat when the Captain is taking his rest. Almost all my hours are Part 121 equivalent, except for this 157h from the school. I am applying for the big 3, but I have 2 preferences. Thanks for your reply.
Flying experience is just part of it, good attitude, wide network, nepotism, gender, race, all play a factor. Apply where your desire to work and good luck!
Anybody attend WAI over the weekend and do a meet and greet? How'd it go and did it lead to a interview?
Quote: Anybody attend WAI over the weekend and do a meet and greet? How'd it go and did it lead to a interview?
RST posted that 19 CJOs were give, 16 to woman.
Quote: RST posted that 19 CJOs were give, 16 to woman.
16 to one woman; that's ridiculous!
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