CA, Lockdowns, & TACAIR

Sooo... Gavin Newsom apparently and somewhat informally had arranged for alert F-15's to be available to enforce his covid lockdown last spring.

I'm not a guard guy, what do you title 32 people think of this? No need to get political, but where does this fall in the spectrum of rationality? Other than submunition CAS on a packed Orange County beach, I'm not seeing the utility.
Quote: Sooo... Gavin Newsom apparently and somewhat informally had arranged for alert F-15's to be available to enforce his covid lockdown last spring.

I'm not a guard guy, what do you title 32 people think of this? No need to get political, but where does this fall in the spectrum of rationality? Other than submunition CAS on a packed Orange County beach, I'm not seeing the utility.

They not gonna show the text message??
Quote: They not gonna show the text message??
I'm not a big fan of fox by any means but I keep an eye on them for the occasional legit story that nobody else will touch, and there's been a few of those (cuomo #metoo).

I'm not really concerned with proving this on paper, because I actually believe it's title 32 legal. I'm more interested what guard people think since it appears likely that somebody in the civilian chain wanted to do this (anybody who lives in CA knows it's totally plausible). If they rolled guard tanks to the capitol building during the riots, that would be OK IMO... key national infrastructure and armed belligerent rioters. But what use does an air-superiority fighter have against civilians who simply decline an arbitrary and extra-judicial house-arrest? Not saying that some sort of lockdown wasn't appropriate at some point, but without any due process it's pretty thin to call it more than a suggestion.

Also, pls check your pmail if you didn't already.
Techniques pioneered in AFG

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Ya. I can picture some crusty old retired fighter pilot pulling out his flip phone and texting. I got this...hold my beer. LOL
Quote: Sooo... Gavin Newsom apparently and somewhat informally had arranged for alert F-15's to be available to enforce his covid lockdown last spring.

I'm not a guard guy, what do you title 32 people think of this? No need to get political, but where does this fall in the spectrum of rationality? Other than submunition CAS on a packed Orange County beach, I'm not seeing the utility.

I believe it's complete and utter BS. If it wasn't put in formal writing then no commander in their right mind would even consider this. This appears to be a frighten campaign by someone. Also, remember that the pilots that fly those machines (and their commanders) are citizens too, they're not just mindless war machines.
Quote: I believe it's complete and utter BS. If it wasn't put in formal writing then no commander in their right mind would even consider this. This appears to be a frighten campaign by someone. Also, remember that the pilots that fly those machines (and their commanders) are citizens too, they're not just mindless war machines.
Exactly. Thats an easy one to squash anyway. Say you're not taking the jet for one of its 20 open write ups and it's a mx canx,