JS Availability DCA-JFK

Any JS issues due to covid concerns between DC and JFK? Starting to fly more trips out of JFK to SFO/LAX on United and need some commuting help since we don’t service JFK. ALPA app said just to check in with the gate agent… any other tips I need to know about? How often is the JS actually being used? Thanks for any info.
Quote: Any JS issues due to covid concerns between DC and JFK? Starting to fly more trips out of JFK to SFO/LAX on United and need some commuting help since we don’t service JFK. ALPA app said just to check in with the gate agent… any other tips I need to know about? How often is the JS actually being used? Thanks for any info.
No COVID issues on a systemwide bases. May vary from CA to CA. I’ve not seen it heard anyone get denied. Flights are getting more and more full and the jumpseat is very active again. Should be okay on that route paring.
Thanks for the info.