ALPA database trick

Geek Alert!
For any of you membership committee folks who have to deal with the excel data that ALPA provides, here is the code to break out the address from the single field they provide.
Their file has these columns:
Name, ALPA#, Cncl, Address, Email, Primary Phone, Cell Phone, Status, etc.
To break out the address, add 4 columns after Address like this:
Name, ALPA#, Cncl, Address, Street, City, State, Zip, Email, Primary Phone, Cell Phone, Status, etc.
and the code below is for those 4 new columns.

Column E
Column F
=MID(D2,FIND(",",D2,1)+2,FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(D2,", ","~",2))-FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(D2,",","~",1))-2)
Column G
=MID(D2,FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(D2,",","~",2))+2,FIND( "~",SUBSTITUTE(D2,",","~",3))-FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(D2,",","~",2))-2)
Column H
=MID(D2,FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(D2,",","~",3))+2,LEN(D 2)-FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(D2,",","~",3))-1)

I'm sure there a tons of ways of doing that, but it works.