Anyone scared to go to work?

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Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina... Unless you work at United./
Quote: I agree that the children will be disadvantaged.

Having lived 10 years next-door to a couple who homeschooled their children, (and the grandchildren are now being homeschooled as well), has given me a glimpse into at least this family's thought process.
My conclusion (which obviously could be in error) is they do not wish to adapt. Not themselves, their children, nor their grandchildren.
Whatever hardships that any of their progeny endure, it is more than compensated for by living as far apart as possible from this world of sin.

From their perspective, cleaving themselves from the "liberal cesspool" seems to be the point.
If their only justification is that we live in a cesspool, I would say..duh? Aint gunna change either. I get being alone. There’s all kind of reasons. Anxiety may have nothing to do with it.
Let's play "spot the guy wearing dual masks while in his car and outside thats wiping down/sanitizing his groceries when he gets home" guy.
Past time, apparently, for the OP to turn off the telly and disable the "feeds" on your gadgets. Stop family consumption of the bs. Why do you think they call it programming?
I don't think home-schooling is a bad thing as long as they get out in the world some and socialize.
Dude, you need to contact SOAR at a minimum. 1-866-653-SOAR.

Good luck.
I’m very nervous looking at next month’s schedule. Didn’t get that many 1 days as I hoped. Going to scary places and nervous about staying overnight. Wish me luck 🥲
Okay, little troll time is over. You've become boring. Ignore list for you.

Quote: This message is hidden because PipeMan is on your ignore list.
This is, by far, the weirdest thread/topic I have ever seen on this site- and there have been some weird ones.

I logged on here today to perhaps find some cogent insight into the Citation accident over VA yesterday and stumbled upon this!!
Quote: This is, by far, the weirdest thread/topic I have ever seen on this site- and there have been some weird ones.

I logged on here today to perhaps find some cogent insight into the Citation accident over VA yesterday and stumbled upon this!!
Juan Brown will take care of that for you. Coming soon to youtube near you. The NTSB has finally quit investigating aircraft mishaps, because Juan is too efficient. In fact, now they issue a challenge coin to their field representatives with his picture on one side, embossed with "Blancolirio," and on the other, the reminder WWJS, for What Would Juan Say? Any intelligent discussion of a mishap or safety-related issues is rendered irrelevant, once one posts a link to Juan's video. Thank God, he's out there.

Scratch that. Thank Juan. God, after all, waits for the video.

Juan is definitely not scared of his hobby.
You're in luck. Juan has already posted. I won't cite the link, on principle, but it's on youtube.
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