Needing advice about how to study B737-400

Anyone have advice on how to study for a B737-400 type rating?
btw: I haven't started with the company yet and just want to get a head start.

Any good links to youtube videos?

Any good phone apps?

Any good computer simulator profiles for it? Does Carrendo have anything? I have FSX
This sounds like your first type rating.

There are hundreds of thousands of pages of study material floating around, but what you can run into is studying the wrong material. You end up having to unlearn, when you arrive for your training, instead of learning. Each company has procedures, many of which are similar, but not the same as your employer. Have you contacted the employer about study or training materials? Do you know anyone at the employer who can forward some starter things to you?
Having said that, don’t sweat the details.
You’re not expected to design the thing from scratch.
Use any unofficial materials to understand the overview and not to study the details.


There’s tons of other stuff out there.
Just heed the warning.
Bill Bulfer Cockpit Companion