Delta announces new CEO

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Anderson...comes from NorthWest, already on Delta`s board...more to follow...
Looks official. We will see IF we get new birds or a new paint job.
Quote: Looks official. We will see IF we get new birds or a new paint job.
What does that mean?
Quote: What does that mean?
it means we'll see if we order new airplanes or merge with NWA.

From what I've heard he was good for NWA.
What do the incumbent DAL guys and gals think about this guy? I would also like to hear what NWA people have to say about him.
YGBFKM! The guy who presided over NWA's sink into bankruptcy and lead up to labor hell is going to run Delta?

Another mis-manager washes up again. Why is airline management such a revolving door? It's the only industry where you can totally screw up and get promoted or rehired for the same position at another company.

Sad. There's just no accountability in the screwed up industry.
Ok, I guess that sheds some light on my question!
I don't know a thing about this guy. Any NWA guys care to comment?
Wonder if Ed Bastien and Jim Whitehurst will resign? Being on the board of a multimillion dollar organization, I can tell you that boards tend to go outside when looking for a new leader. Oldtimers get upset and either leave or suck it up. The sucking will go so long before they are tired of it all. Hiring an executive search firm (which we also did on my board) adds another dimension and complexity. Whatever the case, I wish Delta the best.

Richard Anderson? Isn't that McGyver, an actor of some renown? Chuck Norris with brains?
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