Companies near Ft. Collins, CO

I will be finishing my SEL Commercial/Instrument by the time I move to the Ft. Collins, Colorado area in January. Does any one know of a company out there that hires low time pilots with a Commercial/Instrument so fresh that the ink hasn't dried? Something part time to help pay for my college tuition. Thanks for the info.
I think you have it wrong. Get a job, then move to where the job is. Isn't this fun??? Welcome to aviation. It's still not too late to get out...

Z (20 years and hooked)
Quote: I think you have it wrong. Get a job, then move to where the job is. Isn't this fun??? Welcome to aviation. It's still not too late to get out...

Z (20 years and hooked)
Exactly right. If you limit yourself to one place, the odds are astronomical that you'll never see a decent job in aviation. In my first 15 years in aviation, I moved 17 times. After the time is built and you've landed a job with some fractionals or an airline, you can pick a spot and commute from there. Not until then.