Are any "real" corporate jobs advertised like this?

This popped out of a Monster agent I had set up a while back - it sure seems like a decent job to have, but it reminds me a little of a guy from Nigeria who sent me an e-mail a while back explaining how he had a large sum of money to give me, which I later found out was not really true

If it was a real pilot job, wouldn't it just be filled by word of mouth? The starting pay is 50-60K, rotating shifts.
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This could offer a pilot the opportunity to segue in to a sales career, enjoy hunting and fishing trips and be taught skills to earn a six-figure + income.
Absolutely, But if they ask for money, even 50$, run with the wind. I once interviewed with a company that managed/sold retirement houses and wanted a pilot to take them around. The job was advertised in the paper. I also had a job offer from a farmer who was designing GPS for fields and tractors and offered me 50k in 1994. He had not advertised the job.
These two were just advertised today:
I found my current corporate job through an internet listing.
Quote: This popped out of a Monster agent I had set up a while back - it sure seems like a decent job to have, but it reminds me a little of a guy from Nigeria who sent me an e-mail a while back explaining how he had a large sum of money to give me, which I later found out was not really true

If it was a real pilot job, wouldn't it just be filled by word of mouth? The starting pay is 50-60K, rotating shifts.
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This could offer a pilot the opportunity to segue in to a sales career, enjoy hunting and fishing trips and be taught skills to earn a six-figure + income.
There are jobs like this available on an ongoing basis. You see the same ads for the same jobs over and over again.

They are usually not much more than glorified flight instructor positions. Having to be the flight instructor to the principle will get really tiring really fast.

Remember also that they will want you to do some work in their organization when you aren't flying. Thats because to them they dont understand that corporate flying is about 30% flying and 70% ground work. In the end they don't respect the whole job that you will have to be doing. They picture engine start to shutdown being the whole aviation portion of the job.

It maybe a good place to get some time early on, and move on. Baron time won't get you really far in the corporate side of aviation. Its a good starting point though.