Obama's Campaign Hiring

My guess is Sen. Obama may be looking for a new pilot

From CNN.com

November 7, 2007
Obama's plane gets lost in Iowa
Sen. Barack Obama eventually made it to a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids — after a detour to Des Moines.
MUSCATINE, Iowa (AP) — When Democrat Barack Obama's charter plane touched down Tuesday night, aides were surprised a car wasn't waiting to rush him to that night's campaign events.
Someone stepped onto the tarmac and quickly realized why: They had landed at the wrong airport.
Instead of going to Cedar Rapids, the plane had touched down about 100 miles to the west in Des Moines.
Spokesman Tommy Vietor said Wednesday that the mistake on the flight from Chicago made Obama about an hour late for a rally at a community college. While waiting, the crowd took to dancing and chanting.
The presidential candidate apologized for the delay, simply explaining there had been a mix-up on the way from Chicago.
this crap happens all the time. Its not the pilots fault. Its someone in Obama's crew who screwed up the schedule and gave the pilots the wrong destination.

Of course, the media never gets anything right and made the pilots look foolish.
Quote: Of course, the media never gets anything right and made the pilots look foolish.
It's always the pilot's fault...
This happened to jerry Seinfield once. He changed his mind told everybody to meet him in BOS but, he never told the pilots. Needless to say he ended up in BVY not BOS. Guy from the FBO gave him a ride halfway to Logan to meet his people. Pretty funny, he wasn't laughing though
Quote: this crap happens all the time. Its not the pilots fault. Its someone in Obama's crew who screwed up the schedule and gave the pilots the wrong destination.

Of course, the media never gets anything right and made the pilots look foolish.

Someone obviously didn't see my "from the right" slant on this one.