Who Brings Their Laptops

View Poll Results: Do you bring your laptop with you on trips.
Only on specific/longer trips
I don't own a laptop
I bring my desktop computer with me on all trips
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 68. You may not vote on this poll
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It keeps me going. I don't know what I'd do on the road if I didn't have it to watch all the shows I miss or keep in touch with the family or the resume updated.
I have a 20 inch screen Powerbook G4 (mac) that I take all the time. I bought it before I worked for the airlines and honestly I think it's a little too big. Next laptop I get is going to be smaller but not that much smaller.
Quote: Yea but doesn't the keyboard just suck on those things? I couldn't imagine myself typing on them. What's the battery life like? Could I watch a couple movies on it or no?
Hey TD,

I'll tell ya...the keyboard bites, but it's handy to have to check bids, schedule, etc. without packing the bar of gold bullion that my big laptop is. At least it's a QWERTY type so it's not that bad. As far as movies go, the screen is much bigger than a Sansa or video IPod so it's fairly easy on the eyes. It's got video out as well, so I can usually connect it up to the hotel TV without too much trouble. Basic battery gives me about 4 hours when watching video...much more when just surfing. I have a double capacity battery for it that doesn't add much bulk but doubles the basic battery life.

cya, B2P
I always bring mine unless it's an out and back which is pretty rare these days.
sony vaio, under 3lbs
Yeah i bring mine, because I never know where I'll be on some of these trips. I've only been using a laptop for about 3-4 months now, but I also use it as my computer at work to kill the time. And yeah, I have a few classic games I play(Diablo II, StarCraft, original Rainbow 6).
I think I've brought my laptop with me once in the last year. Just not worth the hassle, as I can usually find other things to do on overnights.
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