Mesaba hiring 20+/month

To sum up the highlights, Mesaba is hiring 20+ per month through at least the end of this year.

There are no official facts, but the word that has strong merit is we are gearing up for a substantial CRJ delivery. Our union is under confidentiality agreements with management so nothing can be said, yet. Please visit the sister aviation forum and go to regionals. and look for threads like mesaba big announcement.
We are following the "rumors" at Mesaba, however our sources are unaware of any additional classes beyond the scheduled April 28th class. We'll centainly update if the rumors come true. <crossing fingers>

Regards -
It may not be in the newspaper or on the Mesaba website, but having talked with the chief pilots who have flat out stated that hiring is continuing thru the end of the year, if you haven't heard it so far, you heard it hear first.
Quote: It may not be in the newspaper or on the Mesaba website, but having talked with the chief pilots who have flat out stated that hiring is continuing thru the end of the year, if you haven't heard it so far, you heard it hear first.
Check your PM
Vacancy 05-05 dated April 12
Well the latest vacancy 05-05 shows a class starting May 2, so I believe the april 28th date is now May 2 (which makes sense since april 28 is a thursday).

18 New hires slated. 20 total upgrades...

Dropped off a few more resumes at the CP office and he stated that the forecast hiring is strong, but couldn't say why.

Something is going on.
The May 2nd class is filled up.

The company is currently filling up a June 6 class. Good luck