Bids and Awards

Just trying to gather some information, when do you guys usually get your bids and when are the awards out for the next month?
schedule bids
For SKW monthly schedules, bidding opens on the 11th, closes on 17th, awards are out by the 19th, and final schedules are out on the 24th.

It's possible, but very unlikely, for there to be a change between your award and your final schedule. So basically we know by the 20th what the next month will be. We can start adding/dropping on the 24th.

Mesa did a rolling 28 day bid, so there were never fixed monthly dates, but the lead time was similar.
at Eagle we usually see the bid packages online around the 13th or 14th of the month, bid packages on paper get to the bases by the 15th (or later depending on weather!) Bids open after the 15th and close on the 20th with awards after noon on the 20th depending on your time zone.
At Colgan, we don't get our schedules until 4 or 5 days prior to the end of the month. Its Feb 26, and I have no idea what I'm doing next month. Thank God for the recent ruling against PCL. I don't care if we are stapled or not, I just want some representation.
17th the come out, 21 award, transition is opens around the 24 closes 25 posted the 26th
something like that, the dates may not be quite right, but with in a day or two
These last minute schedules make coordinating the month with your family super easy. That combined with a 5 hour drive to your base b/c it would be impossible to non-rev there (everything's always full) makes it super fun.