Double Majoring: Yay or Nay?

To make it short, the university I want to attend only offers their flight school through an aerospace major (and the nearest FBO is like 30 minutes away), so would you recommend double majoring in Aerospace and something like Business or Economics or something? I'd like to hear your opinions.
A double major can't hurt, but don't do it just because it has "aero" in there. The airline won't care if your degree is in aerodynamics or art history. They just want a degree.
I realize that, but I want a better fallback than a crappy factory job. You never know when disaster may strike in a business as volatile as this.
I didn't say not to get a degree. I said don't do another major just because it's aviation related. Major in something that's both interesting and marketable.
Double major is a great thing... some may say it's not... but it will benefit you personally.... especially economics... economics is a great added major. If you can do it, go for it!!!!!
Definately do the double, just remember the term Diversified! It works!
I double majored just so I could stay at college for an extra year. Double major is not a bad idea, but don't kill yourself doing it.