Professional Commercial Pilots!

I have a paper due for my school and It's about commercial FEDEX pilots. Can someone with a professional background please consider answering these questions. Thanks for your time!
  • What is your career? Please give me a brief description.
  • What is your salary range for this job?
  • How many hours do you fly overall for a month?
  • What kind of skills do you need for this occupation?
  • What schooling did you go through?
  • How long did it take for you to get this career?
  • Is this a career that involves being away from home and time consuming?
  • Do you enjoy flying freight cargo?
  • How does your schedule work weekly or monthly?
  • How does your holidays and weekend work out for your lifestyle?
  • What kind of airplanes do you fly?
Have a nice day!
Also if you have any questions or concern please email me at [email protected]
If you use the search function and search FedEx Quality of life or QOL, or FedEx Schedule you should get pages of info. If not I will send you answers, and or send you in the right direction. Thanks for your interest.

I wear Rockport shoes. Hope that helps.
Quote: I wear Rockport shoes. Hope that helps.
That would qualify as a smart-a** answer.

He just beat the rest of us to the punch. And that should pretty much cover the personality profile section...
Quote: If you use the search function and search FedEx Quality of life or QOL, or FedEx Schedule you should get pages of info. If not I will send you answers, and or send you in the right direction. Thanks for your interest.


But if you e-mail the responses directly, with a complete answer to all of those questions ... you probably just wrote the paper for someone.

Not saying that is a bad thing ...

Just another smart a$$ reply !

Quote: I wear Rockport shoes. Hope that helps.
Real FDX pilots wear the ones with the velco comb-overs
INS91 should get in touch with Albie, who could answer all these questions and only charge him a couple of hundred bucks for the time involved.
Quote: Real FDX pilots wear the ones with the velco comb-overs
JJ and FH will remember this guy. Jerry something, over 60 DC-10 S/O when I got hired. He wore black Nike's and blacked out the "N" on the side with a sharpie. He also wore an old navy pea coat as his uniform jacket. A real freight dog. ( Oops, did I say blacked? Here comes the PC cops!)
Feel free to put the link in my sig line into your browser and see my profile at JC. Also, feel to email me if you have other questions.

I apologise in advance for the lack of serious response from our users at APC. People should keep quiet if they have nothing positive to add.

Thread closed.