
Hello everyone, I'm new to this site so first off I want to say thanks to everyone for all the information that they spit out.

My question is that I used to work out a lot (lifting weights) before I started my flight training, and I dabbled in pro-hormones when they were still legal (Before January 2005) I don't used them any more I don't even work out anymore so there's no need to. But I do plan on starting to work out again.

Please don't misunderstand me, I do not indulge in illegal drugs, however I will probably use some kind of workout drug - probably one of the new post prohormone products that's out there now and is legal, like Superdrol
(ingredient Methasteron) or Phera-plex (ingredient 17a-Methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol) etc.

I was curious if theres any list approved by the FAA that I could check to see if it would be legal to use workout drugs like these.

Thanks for all the help fellas.
Quote: My question is that I used to work out a lot (lifting weights) before I started my flight training, and I dabbled in pro-hormones when they were still legal (Before January 2005) I don't used them any more I don't even work out anymore so there's no need to. But I do plan on starting to work out again.

Please don't misunderstand me, I do not indulge in illegal drugs, however I will probably use some kind of workout drug - probably one of the new post prohormone products that's out there now and is legal, like Superdrol
(ingredient Methasteron) or Phera-plex (ingredient 17a-Methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol) etc.
Maybe your first concern should be your latent homo-sexuality.
That was a huge help man, thanks.
A while back I had a student that was on hyper tension meds. We found the link I still had it saved so this should help

It shouldn't be a problem, I wouldn't worry about it
Quote: That was a huge help man, thanks.
ERJ135 seems to have come up with a helpful link. But seriously, dude, you may need help. Why would you subject yourself to some kind of chemical "help?" Is your self image so bad that you will jeopardize your long term health for "all the right curves?" Never mind, none of my business.
Thanks for the posts
I want to thank ERJ135 and Skyranger777 - I appreciate it.
The problem the FAA sees with anabolic drugs is the potential change in personality they produce and the potential for making poor cockpit decisions. Ifd asked, they will probably say NO!