Mesa posts $31M Loss for Q4 2008

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Interesting that they say NASDAQ usually requires a share price of .50 rather than the usual 1.0 quoted here.

I'm not so happy about hearing of the reduction in flying US Airways has said will happen for us. Does anybody have any info on this? Is this a new reduction in flying or something that Mesa already knows about and is included in this recent displacement? Apparently it was only announced to the general public on Tuesday.

Hey at least we only lost $31M for on a gross operating revenue of $323M instead of the $62M loss on a gross operating revenue of $328M in Q4 07. The way I see it, JO must be doing something right
This reduction in Airways flying is nothing new. Airways told them months ago that they will be taking 2 planes a year off the system.
I would be less worried about this then what JO means by gathering money by "unconventional means" and the statement of possibly sub-contracting MESA planes out to other carriers. This taken from the MESA conference call.
Quote: This reduction in Airways flying is nothing new. Airways told them months ago that they will be taking 2 planes a year off the system.
I would be less worried about this then what JO means by gathering money by "unconventional means" and the statement of possibly sub-contracting MESA planes out to other carriers. This taken from the MESA conference call.
"Unconventional means" The way this pilot group is he (JO) could put credit card machines in the cockpit thats says "fly me" for 20 bucks an hour and they probably would do it.
Quote: The way I see it, JO must be doing something right
Oh no you Di'int!! C'mon man, doing the right thing isn't in his ability and we all know that. Once a criminal - Always a criminal.
They had 60 million in OCT now 30 less. So basically another quarter and Mesa is done. If I was JO I would stop everything and focus on what ever Mesa has that's profitable. The company will be worthless very soon if it isn't already. You can only rearrange the dirt for so long.
Only a matter of time. I feel for all the Mesa pilot who will be jobless soon.
Remember guys, cockroaches never die.
JO could always settle with Delta and get some extra $$ there. I have no idea how he could get but I'll be they would be willing to get this off their books as well.
Stupid litigious boob....he needs to go destroy some other airline in some other country
According to his conference call yesterday, and yes have nothing better to do than to listen to JO’s conference call, he is very confident that Mesa will be able to work something out with the bond holders in January and February. The delta case is going to court on January 30th.
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