Live ATC Links and YouTube

I have a question about recordings of ATC that are put onto YouTube.

For example, someone records a nasty encounter you had with ATC and puts in on YouTube. Do you have any right in forcing YouTube to remove the video/audio?

Here is an example, YouTube - ATC@JFK - Controller hacked off (by aldo benitez)

I think you'd have to claim ownership (ala RIAA) to compel a publisher to remove the recording. The FCC license that airline types are required to have is a license to broadcast on public airwaves.

That said, you can always ask a publisher to remove content, although I don't know of any requirement to do so unless the content was obtained fraudulently.

That crew did an excellent job of not being dragged into the shouting match. I've heard it go a lot worse.

Remember, every time you key the mike - the whole world could be listening.
I agree - it seems the JB crew handled that effectively and professionally.

Vagabond.....we could use your expertise here.

Lord knows I've messed up a lot of radio calls. I just wouldn't want to be the comic relief for so many on YouTube.
I wonder if the Air Lines can have it removed due to their copyrights on their brands?
Since you can FOIA ATC recordings anyway, I doubt you could force a third party to not post them. It is government business, transmitted on open freqs...fair game.
Wow...that was interesting!!! How often does something like that happens?
