Hundreds of pilots opt for re-signing cash - Air Force News, news from Iraq - Air Force Times

This article is regarding the take on ACP. No real surprise. Here is my question: how long has ACP and the ACIP scale been the same amount--the 25,000 /year and the graduated monthly scale for ACIP of 125....188...650...840/month.

Obviously with the economy as it is guys are taking it just to get to a 20 yr pension and in many cases, beyond. I wonder if ACP will just go away, or at some point these numbers will actually be adjusted up in some small reflection of the past 15++ yrs.

Just out of pure curiosity (as I won't be taking any more bonuses), does anyone know when they first offered the ACP of 25,000 dollars/ yr, and with that in mind, how much it is actually worth in today's dollars?
Quote: ....Just out of pure curiosity (as I won't be taking any more bonuses), does anyone know when they first offered the ACP of 25,000 dollars/ yr...
Not sure, but maybe 1991 or 1992? I signed my first bonus (7 years - $25K/year) in 1993.
Hehe, the bomber accept rate is lowest. That ought to tell you something!
According to an on line inflation calculator, 25,000 dollars in 1992 would equate to 37,904 by 2008. If adjusted for inflation, the bonus would be offered at close to 40,000/yr by now.

Or, the other way to look at it is....if you are paid 25,000 in 2009 it is the same as being paid 15,000 in 1992 dollars.

The 840/mo bonus in today's dollars would be more like 1300/mo if they had adjusted for inflation.
Mobility isn't far behind. Big Blue better hope the economy keeps sucking for a while longer, to get them to the 10yr commitment guys. It cracks me up that surveys have been done by AFPC that show the overwhelming majority of guys taking it, would have stayed in without it. Same braintrust I bet that came up with VSP in 2007 only to have to initiate a recall this year. They should just go to a 15 year committment and get rid of the bonus all together. They can always RIF to trim the force.