So you want to fly for Part 135

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Wouldn't that 6-6-6 rule be only for departures which would be more restrictive than taking off 0/0 in pt.91... just a thought
which can be as low as 400' and 1 mile, is issued by the FAA to a certificate holder if they can meet the requirements. Like the 6-6-6 rule, there must be at least 2 crew members and certain equiptment before they will issue that opspec.

That opspec isn't anything special, all the 135 companies I have worked for have that. It's the basic alternate weather mins opspec, and you don't 2 crew to have it issued to your company.

Opspec are what trump the FAR's and only the opspecs!
I believe that if you look at your take off section that refers to the 6-6-6 rule you will, or should if the opspec is complete, be required 2 crew, autopilot does not count, and that you have to have required equiptment and both pilots flight instruments must have separate electrical supplies. As far as the 400-1, no it doesn't require 2 crew.
nancy33, right the 6-6-6 rule does not apply to pt 91. Pt 91.175 spells out departures for 121, 135.
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