
Hope this isn't a repost..

AF Retires Workhorse of Pilot Training
August 03, 2009
Air Force Print News|by John Ingle

SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas - More than 50 years of dependable service is a lot to ask, especially from a tool used to train thousands of people in a critical and sometimes dangerous business.

But as men and women in the U.S. Air Force said farewell to the T-37 Tweet July 31, they did so knowing they got all they asked for and more from the venerable training aircraft.

source: AF Retires Workhorse of Pilot Training
So sad. I flew 5 of the same tails my dad had flown when he went through pilot training. Both of us at Vance. Now if my child could have flown those tails, that would have been something.
The 50s and 60s were good years for airplanes. My dad didn't fly the KC-135 (he was a Navy helo pilot), but I have a feeling that my 3 year-old boy might be able to if he wants.

They don't build 'em like they used to.